Fantasy Faire 2013, SLurl & maps

                                           * * Fantasy Faire 2013, April 20 - 28th * *
                                           A Benefit for the American Cancer Society
Celebrating its fifth year, Fantasy Faire 2013 is the largest gathering of fantasy designers, enthusiasts, roleplayers and performers in the virtual world. From Saturday April 20 to Sunday April 28, treat yourself to nine days of shopping, live music concerts, auctions, hunts and roleplaying as thousands of Second Life residents and creators bring their own visions together to support the American Cancer Society’s vision of a world without cancer.

Avatars, clothing, furnishings, gadgets and exclusive items are available from more than 130 of SL's top Fantasy Creators across ten stunning sims designed by some of the visionary artists behind many of the hottest spots on the SL destination guide.

The Fantasy Faire 2013 is made possible by the generous support of our Sim and Event Sponsors: æros avatar, The Arcanum, Cerridwen's Cauldron, Dark Goddess Designs, Dwarfins, Epic Toy Factory, Fallen Gods Inc., Fanavatar & Moonstruck, FATEWear, F*cking Ninjas, The Looking Glass,  L'Uomo, Roawenwood, --= Solarium =--, Spyralle,  T R I D E N T.

Fantasy Faire 2013 will be open to the public April 20 -28 and accessible from the American Cancer Society sim. We welcome you to come and join the story.

Fantasy Faire 2013 open April 20, saturday !

Crimson Fields (by Laufey Markstein) – The field of Oblivion will be built as a homage to Stephen King’s “Dark Tower” series, and will feature a central, gothic and ominous dark tower, in a wide open field of overgrown thorns and scarlet red roses. The stores builds will hint at the long-gone remains of similar gothic structures, roof-less, with time-eroded stone walls entwined in overgrown rose thorns.

Sim Sponsor:
[A] T R I D E N T Laufey Markstein

Featured Creator Stores:
[B] lassitude & ennui Jackal Ennui
[C] [ContraptioN] Faust Steamer
[D] Satyrs Moon Vasa Vella
[E] FallnAngel Creations Azriel Demain
[F] meadowWorks Garvie Garzo
[G] Unzipped Destany Laval
Themed Stores:
[H] The Muses Nephilaine Protagonist
[I] Vengeful Threads Vixn Dagger
[J] Psst…Here Kitty, Kitty Kitaria Valeeva
[K] Kishi Creations Kishi Kattun
[L] ImpWerks Imp Trollop
[M] - NaLa – Fashion Buildings Nanook Lavendel
[N] MysticHope Design Kira Lavendel
[O] TempT Lakira Ratelle
[P] The Elegant Goth Deja Letov
[Q] De La Soul Lerochelle Destiny
The DragonSpire (by Khyle Sion) – A barren land of stone and crystal, hiding its lavish secrets beneath the shell of the earth. The native Goblins, Drow, Dwarves and Nixies reside in the fruitful tunnels, lorded over by a Dragon and his horde. Veined with phosphorescent ores, freshwater streams and exotic fungi, these deep caverns hold remnants of a lost civilization.

Sim Sponsor:
[A] The Arcanum Zachh Barkley
Featured Creator Stores:
[B] Dark Goddess Designs Alesandra Markova
[C] Curious Kitties Ameshin Yossarian
[D] Favourite Genes Violette Larkham
[E] Black Veil Outfitters Nikita Schapire & Alistair Scarmon
[F] The Golden Thorn Thorn Witrial
[G] ~Refined Wild~ Khyle Sion
Themed Stores:
[H] Niekra’s Dreams Niekra Torvalar
[I] Tayren’s Fantasy Fashions Tayren Theas
[J] Wilds of Organica Aki Shichiroji
[K] Elvenbreath Selina Forder
[L] Sparkle Skye Designs Sparkle Skye
[M] Dysfunctional Designs Anke Hatchuk
[N] *.:!Completely oBVious!:.* Baldur Darwatch & Vital Tigerpaw
[O] Talevin’s Designs Talevin Whelan
[P] Whatz Titania Halasy
[Q] Analog Dog Hair queue marlowe
Evensong Woods (by Searlait Nitschke) – Resting in the treetops of is the elven enclave of Yuale Nura. Bathed in moonlight, the homes glow warm in the deep blues and purples of a winter’s night. A light dusting of snow gives the impression of undisturbed slumber, but perhaps all is not as quiet as first impressions suggest.

Sim Sponsor:
[A] Roawenwood Searlait Nitschke
Featured Creator Stores:
[B] Boudoir Precious Restless
[C] ~*Star Kindler Designs*~ Elbereth Nightfire
[D] Illusions Siyu Suen
[E] The Plastik Aikea Rieko
[F] Mindgardens Creations Bonny Greenwood
[G] ThatChick Anastasia Domenici
Themed Stores:
[H] Swings Paradise Furnitures Margaret Heliosense
[I] Unique Obsession Tremayne Barbosa & Lunaria Eclipse
[J] Sinful Needs Galathir Darkstone
[K] BlueMoon Enterprise SolasNaGealai
[L] {Lemon Tea} Sei Minuet
[M] An Lema AelKennyr Rhiano
[N] EagleHeart Designs BelenosStormchaser Magic
[O] ~Sa-eela~ Nenya Eun
[P] ~ Mystic Sky ~ Skyler John
[Q] .:EMO-tions:. Mirja Mills
Lotus Valley Dream (by Marcus Inkpen/ Sharni Azalee) – The spirit world touches the material plane in this garden of bonsai trees and waterfalls surrounding an ancient pagoda. With such mystical elegance everywhere you look, this is a place to still your mind and connect with the magic within.
Sim Sponsor:
[A] The Looking Glass    Marcus Inkpen &Sharni Azalee
Featured Creator Stores:
[B] Hoof It!    Erin Talamasca  
[C] ezura Xue    Ezura Xue  
[D] Quest for the Golden Prim    Saffia Widdershins  
[E] FALCONROSE    Rosslyn Guardian  
[F] Raven’s Heart    Thane Woodford  
[G] Demons & Angels    Piper Shan    
Themed Stores:
[H] SAKIDE    Kinu Mayako
[H] Pin Me Down Shyntae Demonista
[I] Caverna Obscura    Elvina Ewing  
[J] Kouse’s Sanctum    Kouse Singh  
[K] Affinity Boutique    Caroline Winslet  
[L] Ari’s Neko Retreat    Arianna Voltaire  
[M] NAMINOKE    taiko McCaw  
[N] 2Xtreme    tunes Meness  
[O] Star Journey    Starman Heron  
[P] Flecha Creations    Flecha Warwillow  
[Q] TRU Textures     LillyBeth Filth    
Lumenaria (by Kayle Matzerath) – A vast City with lots of colorful houses, shops and a huge castle where the main streets meet. A tribute to the sun and all the golden harmony it brings, the city of Lumenaria is a beacon of hope to any who seek refuge from the dark.

Sim Sponsor:
[A] Solarium rynn Verwood
Featured Creator Stores:
[B] Dwarfins Judy Chestnut
[C] Garden of Dreams Kayle Matzerath
[D] Kittycat’s Creations Kittycat Ninetails
[E] ND/MD Skins & Shapes Alea Lamont
[F] Mythos Karalia Halostar
[G] Pyewicket’s Myths Pyewicket Tiger
Themed Stores:
[H] Old World Katrina Kristan
[I] Oran Inish karu
[J] *~ Dream Things ~* Pia Uladstron
[K] Panda Express Kioko Kumaki
[L] Luas AinaraLuas resident
[M] Quixote’s Dream Ceri Quixote
[N] ~The Library~ Dreamfantasia Nightfire
[O] ::{Elysium}:: Ophelia Dayafter
[P] 22769 Paco Pooley
[Q] Bare Rose June Dion
[S] Meeroos Levio Serenity
Magnificat (by Alia Baroque) – The Relay Royales kindly invite you to their summer palace and gardens for a week of divertissment, plays, games and leisure to Celebrate Life and Magnify our Souls.

Sim Sponsor:
[A] Fallen Gods Inc. Alia Baroque
Featured Creator Stores:
[B] Evie’s Closet Evangeline Miles
[C] Lilith’s Den Alrunia Ahn
[D] Living the FantaSea Corkie Houston
[E] MacMoragh & Muse AineMari Flanagan & Fenn MacMoragh
[F] House of Rfyre Raven Pennyfeather
[G] Wasabi Pills MissAllSunday Lemon
Themed Stores:
[H] Frippery Elizabeth Tinsley
[H] Balderdash – Bagatelle and Trinketry Saiyge Lotus
[I] Ankle Biter Yuna Yuadl
[J] Yabusaka Yabusaka Loon
[K] Musa Filomena Quinnell
[L] Skinthesis Cane Sutter
[M] Sax Shepherd Designs Sax Shepherd
[N] Decadent Courtesan vanyi resident
[O] Heartistic HeartDrainer Resident
[P] Gwen’s Hearth Gwynhwyfar Resident
[Q] forest feast mikatsuki matova
Ravenshard (by Mayah Parx) – Where beauty has lost its perfection to a collection of twisted shards reflecting the wondrously literalistic minds of Burton, Pratchett, and Dahl. The lands will be distinct. The shops anything but square, and some may even have feet! Be warned. It’s funky, it’s fun, and it’s anything but straight!
Sim Sponsor:
[A] Epic Toy Factory Mayah Parx
Featured Creator Stores:
[B] F*cking Ninjas Doll Galthie
[C] Epic Jade Winthorpe
[D] United InshCon Eldowyn Inshan
[E] Bentham Manor Lauren Bentham
[E] Fae Fantasy Creations Tamrielle Halderman
[F] FuubutsuDou! Nya Alchemi
[F] kisetsu Nix Marabana
[G] Simply Fae Boaz Sands
Themed Stores:
[H] Lupoaica Meka Aeon
[I] Almost Wonderland Almostwonderland Resident
[J] Grim Bros. Cutea Benelli
[K] Stuff Xavian Made Xavian Starsider
[M] Madpea Productions Kiana Writer
[N] .:CoLLisions:. Guenevere DeCuir
[O] ~SWAN~ Cyneswith Luik
[P] Feyline Fashions FeydaAnn Ferryhill
[Q] [europa] Kazuhiro Aridian
Titans Hollow (by Elicio Ember) – The cliff city of Caras Calar dangles high above ground, suspended from the fickle rock formations. The Structures are made of a filigree of crystal, wood and metal, and hung with gigantic chains from the columnar cliffs giving the appearance from below of huge floating lanterns. The sunken valley over which the city hangs is forested with strange vegetation and irrigated from waterfalls plunging from the sheer cliffs. Legend has it a battle between ancient gods created this strange scenery.
Sim Sponsor:
[A] Cerridwen’s Cauldron Elicio Ember
Feature Creator Stores:
[B] FATEwear Damien Fate
[C] Dragon Magick Wares Dragonia DeCuir
[D] L’Uomo Miro Collas
[E] Spyralle Kerryth Tarantal
[F] Mermaid Treasure & Boutique Theta Marseille
Themed Stores:
[H] Dreamscaped Designs Dreamscaped Dagger
[I] Sterling Artistry Silverr Andel
[J] [][]Trap[][] Selos Dae
[K] [Gauze] Yukio Ida
[L] [ni.Ju] Vitani Jun
[M] Arx Loricatus Dogma Trevellion
[N] AZE Jewelry Designs Amilia Zabaleta
[O] Bliensen + MaiTai Plurabelle Laszlo
[P] Southpaw Phedre Rossini
[Q] yo bailo yuuki Solo


¿Alguien sabe cuántos intentos tienes para encontrar el amor de tu vida antes de que te asignen un gato de oficio? Nat The Cat

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