DaD DESIGN Sun Forest Cottage

House: DaD DESIGN Sun Forest Cottage @ Shiny Shabby

**************SUN FOREST COTTAGE**************

Sun Forest Cottage
Footage: 12,6x 19
Land Impact: 56
copy/modify yes (script are not mod)
no transfer
Material enabled

 “Sun Forest Cottage" 100% original mesh.
The style is pure, vintage styles: shabby chic wood on both the outside and inside the house creating a home charm.

From the top down of every detail is vintage through out the house.
Outside on the porch with a glass roof from which you can get a glimpse of the leaves that are laid on the roof.
The leaves have a changer textures by touch with 9 colors included for every season.
Traditional interior: there is a living/kitchen, bedroom and bathroom/studio. at home. The color scheme of blue and white, it’s very relaxing palette.

*The windows open by touch as the doors to the easy step.
*How to change color of leaves:
  Positioned with the cam above the porch roof. Touches the leaves and a menu appears with various colors


¿Alguien sabe cuántos intentos tienes para encontrar el amor de tu vida antes de que te asignen un gato de oficio? Nat The Cat

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