Lots of WCF and End of Daze

Outfit pic 1: [ViSion} - S&F - Whore Outfit Whore Couture Fair
Hair: (r)M ~ Hair(Mesh) No.10 ( r e d w L o c k s )
Boots: Chaos - black  leather boots Whore Couture Fair
Lamps: EoD March Gift  Free
Chaiselounge: EoD Chaise (THE CHALLENGER )NEW
Outfit Pic 3 : [ViSion} - S&F - Busty Low Dress  - Whore Couture Fair
Skin: Belleza- Amy Tan WCF 1 (Red) Whore Couture Fair
pose little bean 
Beer machine: EoD Beer Machine NEW


¿Alguien sabe cuántos intentos tienes para encontrar el amor de tu vida antes de que te asignen un gato de oficio? Nat The Cat

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